7 Types of Tooth Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

7 Types of Tooth Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

Do you have a toothache that isn’t seeming to go away on its own? This could mean that you need to see an emergency dentist. After all, tooth pain is a sign that something isn’t quite right in your mouth. If you pain that is severe or persists over a few days, you should seek help from your emergency dentist. Read on to learn about multiple different symptoms of tooth pain in Phoenix and what you should do if you begin to experience one.

Sharp Pain

This is going to be the type of pain that you just cannot ignore, even if you try. If you notice that you are experiencing a sharp pain or it has increased in severity, this could indicate a dental issue like a cavity or even an infected tooth. This needs to be treated as soon as possible before you endure more pain or end up needing a more invasive and costly treatment.


If you notice that your teeth are aching more than usual, this could mean that you are clenching or grinding your teeth while you’re sleeping. If you notice new or worsening sensitivity, this could indicate that you have a cavity or even an abscessed tooth. Either way, you should see your dentist to have it checked out so you can receive the most appropriate treatment.


It is normal for teeth to become discolored over time from consuming pigmented foods and drinks. However, if a particular tooth or teeth begin to change in color to dark brown or gray, this could indicate something more serious. Your tooth could be infected and the pulp inside of the tooth has died. You should see your emergency dentist in Phoenix immediately to have this treated.

Swelling of the Glands

If you have swelling around your neck and jawline, this could mean that an infection of your tooth has spread. If you have an abscessed tooth and notice this symptom, medical attention is necessary. Your vital organs could be at risk of becoming infected.

Bleeding, Swollen Gums

If your gums are bleeding and swollen when coupled with a toothache, this isn’t a good sign. You could be suffering from periodontal disease. This is especially the case if you aren’t known for having great oral hygiene or have other risk factors. It is important to catch gum disease early on to have a chance of restoring your smile to health. If you leave it to progress, you may end up with permanent issues like gum recession, loose teeth, and tooth loss.

Loose Teeth

Having wiggly teeth along with a toothache could be a sign of gum disease as well. You need to see a dentist right away because this could mean that you are experiencing an advanced stage of periodontal disease. You will need to have this treated before you end up losing your teeth for good!

Bad Breath or Taste

Bad breath and foul tastes along with a toothache could indicate that you have an abscessed tooth. When a tooth is infected, toxins are emitted from the tooth itself and can end up giving you one or both of these symptoms. You should see a dentist right away so you can have a chance of saving your tooth!

If you notice any of these symptoms accompanied by tooth pain, give your emergency dentist a call. This way, you’ll be able to receive the treatment you need to get relief!

About the Author

Dr. Christine Gonzalez is an experienced dentist who has been working in the field for more than 30 years! She earned her dental doctorate at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and is committed to continuing education in order to keep her knowledge and skills sharp. If you have a toothache, she would be happy to help. For more information or to schedule an urgent appointment, visit her website or call (623) 322-1538.