Enjoy a Carefree Smile
We’re all about making your life easy here at Carefree Dentistry, which is why we offer a robust selection of preventive services. Each of them is specifically designed to stop dental problems like cavities and gum disease before they ever occur, helping you maintain better oral health and stronger teeth while keeping your care costs as low as possible. It all starts with just two easy checkups and cleanings per year—contact us today to schedule your next appointment for preventive dentistry in Phoenix, AZ!

Why Choose Carefree Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?

Under One Roof

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Skilled Dentists
Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings
When you come in for your checkup and cleaning, not only will our fantastic hygiene team remove any plaque and tartar from your teeth to prevent cavities and make them feel lusciously smooth, but you’ll also receive a very thorough exam. Your dentist will look at your teeth, gums, jaw, and bite, searching for any minor signs of damage or infection so they can be treated right away. These visits will also allow us to evaluate your home care routine and discuss how you can improve it to keep your smile protected between appointments.

Oral Cancer Screenings
Over 53,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year, and up to 25% of those cases will be found in young, healthy people who don’t smoke or drink. Basically, oral cancer can affect anyone, which is why we’ll give you a screening every time you come to see us. If we notice a suspicious sore or new growth, we’ll help you get a diagnosis right away. Early detection and treatment are the best ways to beat the disease, and with these screenings, we can make sure you’re able to get the attention you need without delay.

Dental Sealants
Certain teeth are more vulnerable to developing cavities than others. Your back teeth, for example, have many deep grooves, which makes them excellent for chewing, but these also easily trap plaque and bacteria that can turn into decay. A dental sealant involves applying a thin layer of dental plastic over these teeth to give them an extra layer of defense against cavities. We mostly recommend them for children, but they can be a big help for decay-prone adults as well.

Fluoride Treatment
You’ll find fluoride everywhere if you look hard enough—it’s added to most oral healthcare products and even public water sources. In addition to using a fluoridated toothpaste at home, we recommend that every patient should receive two fluoride treatments each year at our dental office, which we can include as part of someone’s regular cleanings. A topical solution is applied to the teeth that quickly fortifies the enamel and makes it much more resistant to bacteria and decay. It’s easy, it’s safe, and extremely effective.

Athletic Mouthguards/ Sportsguards
Every sport, whether it involves contact or not, carries with it the risk of dental injury. In fact, about 40% of ALL dental injuries are sports-related! Thankfully, wearing a mouthguard is proven to dramatically lower the occurrence of broken, chipped, and knocked out teeth while playing. Rather than forcing yourself (or your child) to wear a bulky, one-size-fits-all appliance, we can provide you with a 100% custom-made mouthguard that will fit better and provide more protection than anything you could buy from the store or online.

Nightguards for Bruxism
Bruxism is a very common condition where someone unconsciously grinds their teeth and clenches their jaw while they sleep. Often related to stress, this can slowly wear down the teeth to the point of breaking and even cause chronic headaches. To solve this problem, we can give a patient a custom-made mouthpiece called a nightguard. Worn to bed, it places a soft but sturdy barrier between the rows of teeth to stop them from making harmful contact during the night.

Children’s Dentistry
Absolutely everyone needs professional dental care from time to time, but this is especially true for children. While they are still learning to brush and floss properly, their teeth are particularly susceptible to decay, plus the enamel doesn’t fully harden until age 14. At Carefree Dentistry, we’re more than ready to look after Phoenix’s most precious smiles. Our friendly team and years of experience allow us to make every child feel comfortable in our dental office so they form a positive relationship with dentistry right from the beginning.

At-Home Dental Hygiene Products
Trying to choose the right toothpaste for you and your loved ones can be quite the task these days due to the endless variety of products available. Rather than simply guessing and hoping for the best, our team can give you recommendations on which toothpaste, brush, and floss each member of your family should be using to get the most out of their oral hygiene. Our dental office often recommends Crest products and Sensodyne for those with sensitive teeth.